Hot Other Languages Posts
How To: Install Clojure on a Windows PC with Clojure Box
In this clip from Sean Devlin's "Full Disclojure" series of Clojure video tutorials, you'll see how to install Clojure using Clojure Box in most any version of Microsoft Windows — Vista, XP & 7 included. One of the most obvious perks of using the Clojure is the user community organized around it, which make learning the language a pleasure (and a simple one at that). For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.
How To: Install Clojure at the command line in MS Windows
In this clip from Sean Devlin's "Full Disclojure" series of Clojure video tutorials, you'll see how to install Clojure at the command line in most any version of Microsoft Windows — Vista, XP & 7 included. One of the most obvious perks of using the Clojure is the user community organized around it, which make learning the language a pleasure (and a simple one at that). For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.
How To: Use the Leiningen Clojure build system
In this clip, the eighth installment in Sean Devlin's "Full Disclojure" series of Clojure video tutorials, you'll see how to use Leiningen, a popular Clojure build system. One of the most obvious perks of using the Clojure is the user community organized around it, which make learning the language a pleasure (and a simple one at that). For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.
How To: Use the constraint system when programming in Clojure
One of the most obvious perks of using the Clojure is the user community organized around it. With this clip, the fourth installment in Sean Devlin's "Full Disclojure" series of Clojure video tutorials, you'll learn how to use the new constraint system in Clojure 1.1. Constraints are certain pre and post conditions that need to be met in order for a function to execute properly. If you've used D or Eiffel you've worked with constraints before. For more information, including a detailed, step-...
How To: Clone a hard drive from a non-bootable computer
Although computers are intended to make life much more easier, they can sometimes be confusing as cheese! So, it's fine if you need help trying to figure out how to do certain tasks. Like this one here. In this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to clone a hard drive from a non-bootable computer in no time at all. So check out the video above, good luck, and enjoy!
How To: Easily write an SEO report
If you don't know what SEO means, it stand for search engine optimization. It's something that is commonly used with the process of improving the quality of traffic that a website recieves. In this tutorial, you will find out how to easily write an SEO report giving details about how things are going with making sure your website is being viewed by everyone. Enjoy!
How To: Overclock your cpu and memory easily
If you're looking to overclock certain componenets of your computer, chances are you're hoping increase the performance. There are many areas of a computer than you can overclock, such as RAM, video cards, processors, and also motherboards. So in this video tutorial, you'll be finding out how to do so for your cpu and memory. It's easy to do and can be done withing minutes. Enjoy!
How To: Overclock your graphics card and cpu easily
If you're looking for a way to overclock your PC's graphics card, then look no further. This tutorial will show you step-by-step what is needed to overclock your graphics card and cpu easily. And if you already know how to do so, this video may show you a thing or two on how to do it faster. Sit back and enjoy!
How To: Install the Enclojure NetBeans Clojure plug-in
In this clip from Sean Devlin's "Full Disclojure" series of Clojure video tutorials, you'll see how to install Enclojure, the NetBeans Clojure plug-in. One of the most obvious perks of using the Clojure is the user community organized around it, which make learning the language a pleasure (and a simple one at that). For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.
How To: Audit your code with the RATS code checking tool
Any hacker worth her salt will need to debug from time to time. One particularly efficient way to check your code is with the RATS code checking tool. In this video, you'll learn how to use the RATS code checking tool for C/C++, PHP and Perl. For a detailed walkthrough on how to use RATS scanner to audit your source code, take a look!
How To: Build a simple Core Data application in Mac OS X
Core Data is a powerful data-management framework introduced with Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger. When you take advantage of Core Data, it slashes the amount of custom code you need to write in order to manage application data. Opening, saving and undo management can all be handled by Core Data, freeing you to concentrate on creating unique features for your application. This video tutorial, which presents a general introduction to using Core Data, will walk you through the process of building a simple...
How To: Use Regular Expressions to find text patterns
Many people think that learning to use Regular Expressions is difficult, but if you stick to the basics it is actually quite easy. This screencast and cheatsheet will give you a gentle introduction and allow you to gradually expand your knowledge into advanced usage.
How To: Code GUI applications on Linux with Ruby and Glade
If you're a Visual [blank] programmer heretofore intimidated by the thought of programming for the Linux operating system, take heart: this video tutorial will teach you how to visually code GUI applications with Ruby and Glade.
How To: Read and write binary code
"There are 10 types of people in the world," the old joke goes, "those who understand binary, and those who don't." In this tutorial, you'll learn how to read and write binary code. With this neat tutorial, you'll join the former group. Make sense of the 1s and 0s of binary code, the symbolic atoms of machine language, with this how-to.
How To: Use Cocoa/Objective-C, X Code & Interface Builder
New to programming for OS X or simply after a brushup? If so, you're in luck: this tutorial outlines the basics necessary for using Objective-C and the Cocoa Frameworks alongside Xcode and Interface Builder to create powerful Mac OS X applications. Take a look!
How To: Build an OpenSceneGraph program with the command line
Interested in creating an OpenScenGraph project without using the XCode GUI (or, more generally, curious about how to use XCode from the terminal)? If so, then this tutorial, which demonstrates how to build an OpenSceneGraph program using the command line ( in Mac OS X, is for you. Take a look!
How To: Create a beep application in REALbasic
This REALbasic tutorial teaches you how to create a minimal application with REALbasic that is much simpler than Xcode and will allow your app to be cross-platform too. REAL basic is derived from the BASIC programming language so it's really easy to develop applications in as this tutorial will demonstrate.
How To: Create an auto hack USB drive using batch files
A video tutorial showing how to create an autorun series of hacks that can run from a USB drive using Windows batch files. Create an auto hack USB drive using batch files.
How To: Understand server-side vs. client-side programming
This video helps you to understand the differences between programming languages like PHP and Java Script. See how to understand and be able to use server and client based programming languages. This is VERY important to know before you start developing websites. Understand server-side vs. client-side programming.